His Holiness the Tenth Dalai Lama Tsultrim Gyatso

His Holiness the Tenth Dalai Lama Tsultrim Gyatso

The Tenth Dalai Lama, Tsultrim Gyatso, was born on 29 March 1816 in Lithang in Kham to Lobsang Dakpa and Namgyal Bhuti. In 1822, he was recognized and enthroned in the Potala Palace and in the same year, he took his novice vows of monkhood from the Panchen Lama, Tenpai Nyima, who gave him the name Tsultrim Gyatso.

In 1826, at the age of ten, he was enrolled in Drepung University where he studied various Buddhist philosophical texts and mastered both sutra and tantra.

In 1831, Tsultrim Gyatso reconstructed the Potala Palace and at the age of nineteen, he took the Gelong vows (full ordination) from the Panchen Lama. However, he was constantly in poor health and died in 1837.